Contact Let's work
call or mail
You can always call or e-mail during office hours. You will be connected to our head office. We will be happy to help you from there.
let's work offices
An online tool can't replace the power of a personal conversation. That's why we invest heavily in our regional office network. And our office network continues to grow. Make an appointment at the office near you for the first step towards the perfect match for your company.
request employee
Let's Work actively looks for your employee. Let's get ready for the next step!
Please fill in your details. Let's Work will contact you within 24 hours.
fill in contact form
Staff issues, general questions about temporary agency work, need urgent reinforcement? Please feel free to contact us. We will contact you within 24 hours.
notify injustice
For notifications such as discrimination, racism, (sexual) harassment, bribery, fraud, ... call or mail
Your complaint will be handled in the strictest of confidence.
report incident
Let's Work's whistleblowing policy allows temporary workers, clients and firms to make reports about incidents at Let's Work. Let's Work guarantees, in case of good faith, that the notifier will not be disadvantaged. The notifier enjoys protection against any form of reprisal, in accordance with European Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of whistleblowers.
051 26 47 55
join our team
Let's Work is young, fresh and growing fast. Are you ambitious? Here you get plenty of opportunities to grow as a person and in your career. Become an HR expert: excel in your job thanks to our internal training and coaching. And increase your HR knowledge in the Let's Work Academy!
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